If you are currently enrolled in a program or you are a former student, potential student, faculty or any other interested party and you have a concern about the Skiild LLC accredited program, please read our Complaint Policy. All complaints must be written and signed upon submission. Skiild follows due process procedures when written and signed complaints are received alleging that they or an accredited program are not following established policies or accreditation Standards. To receive formal consideration, all complaints shall be submitted in writing and signed. The complaint should demonstrate that reasonable efforts have been made to resolve the complaint, or alternatively that such efforts would be unavailing. When received by Skiild, complaints are transmitted within five working days to the management for consideration. Skiild will respond with a resolution within 15 business days and the person initiating the complaint shall be notified accordingly within 20 working days following receipt of the complaint. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at (888) 333-3039.